Friday, March 6, 2009

The Seed Have Arrived!

Hello Everyone!

Finally! My time of watching the mailbox for the arrival of my seed order is over! Earlier in the week the mailman brought the long awaited package of seed for the upcoming garden. Joyous squeals could be heard when Mr. Plant Lady announced that my package had arrived. It was like a scene from Christmas mornings long ago as paper wrappings were tossed about as I tore into the large envelope from the heirloom seed company. Does anyone get that excited over a few packages of seed? Anyone except me?

Packages of gourd seed were my main interest - eagerly anticipating the bountiful harvest I'm sure to have (with God's help) in the fall. They came!!! Loofah (dishrag gourds), an unusual kind I've never heard of (Gakhaa gourds), dipper gourds, and bushel basket gourds. I can't wait until April when it is time to plant! I also received some herb seed as well - a cilantro that is slow to bolt and one called "Oaxaca", along with some parsley "Brayor" and an oregano "Wild Zataar".

I'll be sowing the herb seed in flats in the greenhouse in a few days and I will post pictures as they grow! More later . . .

Be Encouraged!
Plant Lady